Sunday, July 22, 2007

Joe O'Reilly found guilty

Irish readers will no doubt be aware of the case - it's attracted unprecedented media attention - but for those not in the know, mother of two Rachel O'Reilly was found murdered in October 2004 in a staged burglary. Joe O'Reilly immediately began courting the press and behaving very strangely for a grieving husband, and soon he was the prime suspect of both the Gardai and the press.

The Gardai took nearly three years to build a case against O'Reilly because the evidence available was purely circumstantial, as his DNA was legitimately all over the crime scene, the home they shared. But in the end the mobile phone and CCTV evidence, coupled with proof of O'Reilly's lies about the state of their marriage, was enough for the jury to find him guilty of murder yesterday.

You can read more about the case here.


Beccy said...

I'm glad he was found guilty but the concensus seems to be that he will get off on appeal, what do you think?

Yvonne said...

Hi Beccy, hard to know really. The press had already made up their mind about him before he was even convicted, I guess he could say he didn't have a chance of a fair trial...I don't really know the appeals process.

Anonymous said...

What a merciless killing! A real actor! If we follow the arguments. There's nothing like a perfect crime. A killer always returns on the scene of crime; there's always an evidence that skips his mind.

krice32 said...

That animal is a complete sociopath, and he has finally got his comeupppance. I hope he is tortured mentally about what he as done for the rest of his days. I knew there was something 'not right' about him the night he appeared on the Late Late show. Thank god Rachel and her family have got some justice.

Anonymous said...

Justice has prevailed. I though we was gonna walk it but delighted the jury could see through him. He is an evil looking man and even though you can't go by looks just goes to show you in his case you can. He tripped himself up in more lies than Pinoccio and appeared so convincing. I saw him and Rachel's mum Rose on Late Late and the body language of the two of them spoke volumes. There are no winners at the end of the day only loosers as Rachel's two little boys have lost a loving Mom and Rose and Jim and their family have lost a loving daughter. However as Rose said she can sleep now knowing that man is locked up. Appeal! dont think so Joe. Not looking so smart in prison now without your disigner suits and shirts and tie that you wore to court every day. I hope someone does to you what you done to Rachel.