Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Writing and editing has slowed as I've been having nasty stomach cramps since Monday morning. I can't stand up or bend over without slamming shut like a clam, but otherwise they just come on without warning - some cause me to treat my pillow like a punch bag to take my mind off the pain. I don't have any other symptoms that might suggest food poisoning or gastric flu so I'm out of ideas.

Hence the heavy Battlestar Galactica watching on my laptop in bed, it's a great distraction. I've reached the end of season one and Paddington is sending me seasons two and three plus Razor via The Ours. (They work at the same company and are lunch buddies.)

I'm going to the doctor in an hour - I'm glad as hopefully I'll find out what it is, but I'm not looking forward to the walk there.


Karen said...

Sounds nasty Yvonne. Couldn't be appendix related could it?? Hope you get it sorted anyway :o)

Anonymous said...

Glad you ended with going to the Dr I was about type that!

Hope everything is alright and they can sort you out.

Glad your enjoying Battlestar :)

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

That sounds horrible. Hope the doctor has given you something to relieve the pain.


Lane Mathias said...

Oh dear. That sounds horrible. Hope the doc manages to sort it out.

Yvonne said...

Thanks a million for your nice comments! I was a bit worried so it was nice to talk about it first.

I had a chat with the doctor and he thinks something I ate irritated my stomach lining and set off the spasms. What a relief as I feared it was much worse! He's given me Buscopan and painkillers and told me to get lots of bedrest. I think I can manage that!

Jenny Beattie said...

Well you can't argue with a doctor who tells you to go to bed and rest, can you? I wonder if I can find one of those any where...

Angie said...

Glad to hear the doctor was able to help. Get well-rested and enjoy your DVD watching in bed!


Karen said...

Hope the painkillers have kicked in! Actually, sorry about the word kicked...

Anonymous said...

Hope you're ok. Sounds nasty.

Bedrest, drugs and Battlestar Galactica - hopefully they'll all help :-)

HelenMWalters said...

Hope you feel better x

Anonymous said...

You poor thing, Yvonne, what a worry for you. It sounds like a huge relief to have the doctor diagnose it as something readily treatable. lots of hot water bottles, tlc and back rubs from the ours.

I will be thinking of you sweetheart {{{Yvonne}}}


Anonymous said...

Eek. Hope you're starting to feel better!

Anonymous said...

Just make sure you return season 1 without any germs... I'll be starting the epic season 1 watching shortly. :)

Hope ya feeling better soon!