Thursday, May 08, 2008

Keeping It Up

Wrote 1100 words today, was slow going but I got there in the end.


Karen said...

That's 1100 more than I've written in three days, so well done :o)

Jenny Beattie said...

That's great Yvonne. Keep at it.

Jill Steeples said...

Hi Yvonne, just caught up on your last couple of posts and can totally understand your frustration. I think it really helps to realise that other writers experience these same emotions and go through the same doubts.

Sounds as though you're back on track, though. 1100 words is excellent!

Yvonne said...

Karen, I don't have as many irons in the fire as you do!

JJ, cheers!

Maddie, that's exactly what I want to do, thank you - let people know about the ins and outs of writing, the good and the bad!

Suz Broughton said...

Good for you!

Anonymous said...

Well done :)

Yvonne said...

Suzanne and M&T, thanks!

Maz, I've written my 1000 words for today so I'm going to get my hair done now!

Anonymous said...

Good for you honeybear, you are so good at motivating yourself. Enjoy the hairdresser.

I have just heard from my supervisor that the assignment I am about to submit is good enough to pass, so I feel like celebrating.....after a little teensy weensy snooze.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Well done you, that's 1100 more words than I've written.

Lane Mathias said...

Well done you! That's a good day's work!
Enjoy your weekend:-)

HelenMWalters said...

That's really fantastic. I'm a bit unfocussed at the moment, and keep writing bits of things - must get some discipline back.

Yvonne said...

Hullaballoo, congratulations! Hope you're living it up this weekend!

Debs, thanks. This story needs a lot of work, hence the high daily word count.

Lane, thanks, hope you enjoy yours too!

Helen, I find it really difficult to keep motivation up. But at least you're writing every day, more than I can say lately.