Monday, May 19, 2008

Third Story - Done

I was so determined to finish this story that I wrote over 2000 words this morning. It is finally done.

The feeling of relief is amazing! I knew even when I finished the first draft that the story needed a lot of work, but I had completely run out of ideas on how to improve it. Sometimes a break makes all the difference, and in my case the longer the better.

So onto story four tomorrow. As always I'll be editing on paper first, then I'll rewrite onscreen; a bit like doing two edits. Hopefully I'll be happy with the overall result.


Anonymous said...

Oh well done! Huge round a applause from across the water.
Hope tomorrow goes as well :)

Jenny Beattie said...

Fantastic, Yvonne, well done.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Well done for doing so well.

Best of luck for tomorrow too.

Lane Mathias said...

Briiliant! That's a hell of an achievement!:-)

Yvonne said...

M&T, you're a star!

JJ, cheers.

Maz, I hope to keep this roll up...

Debs, thank you.

Lane, you're so sweet!

HelenMWalters said...

You're going great guns!

Yvonne said...

Helen, thanks! I hope it keeps up!

Angie said...

Yay, good job, Yvonne. I may need some tips in tackling difficult chapters. I dread opening my document every morning because this chapter is so rough.
Hope you had a nice weekend.