Friday, April 27, 2007

Friday links

Still not ready to start on the fifth story. I've done a u-turn on the original plot and characters that I prepared back in January, and I think my new idea is more interesting. Today I'll be rewriting the character's backstories and finetuning the premise.

Here are some links for your viewing pleasure.

Laser Cats 2
Top 10 most awkward interviews
Farewell to the Stardust Hotel
Virtual soccer
Sand castle explosions
The alcoholic squirrel

Enjoy your friday!


Anonymous said...

How do you avoid wanting to follow all threads? Picking the right thread to focus on must be tough.

Yvonne said...

Hi Paul, I'm actually finding it hard to focus on the right thread at the moment. I usually think of all the options that I take and discuss them with my bf. Actually talking about the threads helps me to decide. I'm 99% sure that I have the right one...but the weekend will hopefully see me at 100%.

Beccy said...

It's astounding the background preparation that goes into writing. I think that's why I could never do it, I'd just want to write the story.

Yvonne said...

Hi Beccy. I think most writers just sit down and write stories without much preparation. I'm the sort of person who likes to cover all my bases before I start anything though...