Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Have the jetlag spins at the moment - got off the plane a few hours ago, I feel like I'm having an out of body experience. I was delighted to discover that our apartment hadn't been broken into, and that my Secret Swap parcel was waiting for me from Amy W! She sent me a beautiful diary and pens - very appropriate as I'm a writer - so thank you Amy for putting so much thought into the parcel. I loved the red white and blue stars too, a lovely touch! I will start writing in it as soon as my head is back to normal. (It actually took me 30 minutes to write the above, durrr)

And thank you to Frannie for putting so much work into the Secret Swap. I was more than a little embarrased by my unoriginality when I looked at some of the other parcels sent out. Hopefully there will be a next time so I can do better...

Had a great time in Chicago, will post about it soon, but now I'm going to return to the fetal position on my couch.


Beccy said...

Welcome home, I'm off tomorrow.

ChrisB said...

What a nice way to be welcomed home. Glad you had a good trip.

Angie said...

Hope the trip was good and the jetlag passes soon.

Jacqueline Meldrum said...

Look forward to hearing about your trip!

Flirty Something said...

what's a secret swap?

laurie said...

welcome back!

try dried cherries. seriously. go to the market and get a half-pound or so and take a handful every night before bed.

we did this when we went to london last month, and we were never jeglagged a bit. you're actually supposed to start taking them on the plane before your nap, but i bet they'd still help you, even now. they're full of, um, melatonin and seratonin or some such thing...

i am SO eager to hear about chicago!

Brooke - Little Miss Moi said...

Dear hellojed. Ahh. jet lag delerium. I hope you sleep a good and full night.

Amy W said...

I received yours as well, thank you!! I am posting pics today...sorry it has taken me so long!