Thursday, May 10, 2007

Nearly there

I finished the fifth story today. I'm just 6% short of the half way mark, but the story is too long anyway. I have a feeling that this draft of the novel will be 100'000 words long, but that's fine as I'm hoping to cut out at least 10% when working on the second draft.

I picked up the 10% tip from Stephen King's On Writing, which is well worth a read - the man is a prolific writer and a workaholic, and shares everything he's learned about the day to day toil of being a novelist and short story author.

So that means I'm spending the rest of today and probably tomorrow preparing the next story, as I'm pretty sure it's going to be different again to what I previously envisaged. I'd like to start tomorrow though, as I really want to hit the half way mark before the weekend.


Beccy said...

Nearly half way, that's fantastic.

Macoosh said...

oooh i can't wait for them to be published so I can read 'em!!! so excited for you..and proud!

Angie said...

Oh good work!

Yvonne said...

Thanks, I really appreciate the words of encouragement! I doubt I'll be writing tomorrow, as I'm still not sure about how I'm going to tackle the next story. But I'm determined to make up my mind before Monday.

VW said...

I envy you your spurt of creative activity - I truly hope you can maintain it. I find that to be the hardest part sometimes. Best of luck.