Thursday, April 24, 2008

Horizon Review

Found through Facebook:

A new literary magazine called Horizon Review will be published in September 2008.

" homage to the 1940s lit-mag Horizon founded by Cyril Connolly and Stephen Spender. Following the best traditions of that magazine, a critical edge will be in evidence from the first issue, with an emphasis on encouraging and developing new types of writing."

They publish poetry, short stories, essays, articles and reviews and currently looking for submissions.

If you're interested you can read about their submission guidelines here. Good luck!


Anonymous said...

Are you entering or concentrating on the novel?
More of the virus story would be good

Yvonne said...

Hi M&T, thanks! I'm not actually thinking of entering, but there is a competition coming up that I was thinking of entering...depending on when I finish the novel!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Thanks for the link, I shall have a look.

There are so many things I want to do and so little time.

Michelle Dalton said...

That's good to see. Though I'll always be a stinging fly hardcore :)

Yvonne said...

Debs, I know, I keep uncovering more and more things that I want to do...

Econgirl, I'm a Stinging Fly subscriber too!

Karen said...

Sounds interesting, though I must stop distracting myself from the stuff I'm already supposed to be getting on with!!

Hope you're feeling better now, by the way :o)

Yvonne said...

Thanks Karen, still feeling manky unfortunately. This week has been a bust writing-wise. Can't help feeling guilty about it, but these things happen.