Sunday, October 12, 2008


I'm feeling much better today which is a relief. Thank you all for your get well soon comments and especially the orders to stop worrying about not writing - I was surprised by how much I fretted about my novel and not being able to walk home from work each day. What creatures of habit we are.

I finish at five o'clock on the dot each day, ideal for getting lots of writing done, but all I could manage last week was to go straight to bed. If I felt up to it I'd do a bit of crochet so I already have a few scarves. For the eventual giveaway The Ours reckons I should ask for your most embarrassing stories (they can be about other people to save your blushes) because they're a good laugh and I can nick the best ones for my novel! Win-win!

I still have a few to do so I'll be posting the giveaway very soon. Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend.


Jen said...

Glad to hear you're on the mend - it must have been gruesome, feeling so crummy while trying to get to grips with the new job.

Having a little bit of enforced time off from the writing can be a good thing sometimes - it's funny how twitchy we become when we're denied it!

Tamsyn Murray said...

Glad you're feeling better :-)

Anonymous said...

Most embarrassing stories eh? How about every day of my life lol.

You made it through your first week of the new job whilst feeling below par. Well done you!

Jayne said...

I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better...embarassing stories, anything involving my family could count! lol

Pat Posner said...

Glad you're feeling better, Yvonne.

HelenMWalters said...

So glad you're feeling better. Embarrassing stories - alas I have plenty!

Jenny Beattie said...

Yvonne, I can't believe you had to do the first week feeling so unwell. But you did do brilliantly getting throught it. What a professional you are.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

So pleased to hear you're on the mend, at least you know that your second week at work can't possibly be more exhausting than your first.

Embarrassing stories? Where to start, I seem to have so many of them.

Anonymous said...

Glad that you're feeling better, I hope next week is easier for you.

Embarrassing stories Huh? Great idea, although of course all mine happened to "a friend"!

Lane Mathias said...

Well done for getting through the first week feeling so grotty and glad you're better now.

Embarrassing stories? I have none;-)

Angie said...

Glad you're feeling better and that you were able to worry less about your writing (and finish a few scarves).
Embarrassing stories? I fear mine are all in my writing files, but perhaps I could use a friend's. ;)

Tamsyn Murray said...

Not that it's bribery in any way but there's an award over at my blog for you...