Thursday, October 11, 2007


Unfortunately I forgot to get paper yesterday so I've only been able to print out seven stories so far, but the last three will be printed out today. I've been reading up on manuscript presentation and formatting tips - the importance of a polished and well-edited manuscript pops up again and again, so I'll have to make sure I edit this draft within an inch of its life.

I'm still on my high from yesterday, which came about from actually seeing my novel on paper. While I sorted the pages, fixed each story together and filed it away, I kept thinking - I Made This. It was no longer all noughts and ones. There it was in black and white. When I handled it, it had weight and texture; it was real. I caught snippets of what I had wrote and marveled that I had written that. Not to say that it was good - some of it was flabby - rather I had made something from nothing. Parts of it I couldn't even remember writing, so strong is The Zone (tm).

I'm no longer dreading the rewrite. Last night before I went to sleep my head was spooling a new, more realistic dialogue for one of the stories. I can't wait to get started.


Jacqueline Meldrum said...

That must have been so thrilling to actually hold your work!
Well done you!

Jenny Beattie said...

Gosh, that's brilliant. I am so jealous you've got there and done that. Well done.

jenny said...

That's fab. Congratulations! What an amazing feeling it must be. Reading about your journey is a big encouragement to anyone else who's thinking about putting pen to paper. Very inspiring.

Anonymous said...

I love that first "Look what I did!" flush of pride. Congrats!!

Alix said...

How wonderful to be able to see the result of all that hard work, congratulations

Yvonne said...

Holler, cheers! Congrats for your recent wedding!

JJ, and I am so jealous of your office...sigh.

Jen, that's so sweet! Other blogs have been so inspiring to me so it's great to hear that.

Beth, thanks! Hope the writing is going well for you to.

Yvonne said...

Alix, my comment crossed with yours, thank you so much for your congratulations!

Angie said...

Oh, if that doesn't motivate me to get on with it, I don't know what will. The idea of seeing something you created (as you say, out of nothing) is fantastic!

Yvonne said...

Angie, and when you get there you'll have a perfectly polished novel - and I'll be dying of jealousy!

Angie said...

Ah, thanks! *blushes*